What causes Sewer Backups?

Sewer collection lines get clogged. These clogs are often caused by fats or greases, paper, feminine sanitary items, disposable diapers, or other sanitary items such as tucks, hand wipes, cloth, wood or any materials which get caught in the line and plug it up.

By |2022-06-30T08:53:25-04:00June 30, 2022||

What should not be flushed down the toilet?

Flammable or explosive liquids, solids or gases Fats, oils or greases Big chunks of garbage, sand, metals, wood, straw or grass, wastepaper, plastics, animal parts, glass, cat litter (including so called "flushable" cat litter), disposable diapers, sanitary products such as napkins, tampons (including tampon applicators), other bulky so called "disposable products such as tucks, hand wipes or similar items Corrosive substances which are either acidic or caustic Any substance which is toxic to the treatment facilities or workers in the facilities Dye wastes or tanning solutions Anything radioactive Materials from cesspools, privies, sump pump, cellar drains, area drains, roof leaders, [...]

By |2022-06-30T08:54:06-04:00June 30, 2022||

When is brush & yard waste pickup?

LEAVES, BRUSH & YARD WASTE Pick up: All brush and yard waste shall be placed at curb side by 5:00 am of the day designated for collection. No brush or yard waste shall be placed at the curb side more than 72 hours prior to any scheduled collection. The Public Works Department begins collection on the designated Monday and it may take a few days to complete the town. If the Monday falls on a holiday pick-up will be the next working day. Brush and shrubs, not more than eight inches in diameter and not in excess of 10 feet [...]

By |2022-06-30T08:55:22-04:00June 30, 2022||
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